Welcome to my World of Warcraft Profession Guide blog! Here i post hints, updates, guide and information for this game. Most of my post is merely copy and paste, and i taken it from other sites, since i don't play well and can't write well.but i try to arrage it more specific, you can leave your comments to make the improvement for this blog I'll try to write some guide and articles on that. You also can find more WoW guide from link at the sidebar. Well, hope you enjoy!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

WoW World of Warcraft Enchanting

Enchanting is a skill that uses a disenchant skill to get the magical abilities of magical items and allows the Enchanter to apply these effects on other items. This skill can be very beneficial if you find many items to disenchant that you have no other use of. Fully detailed enchanting guides are available at Skryer.

To be able to Enchant a green (uncommon) item you will have to disenchant another green item. Same goes with blue (rare) and purple (epic) items. Enchanting requires no gathering skill since magical items that you need for disenchanting are dropped by mobs. Enchantments can also be applied to other player’s items.

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